Industrial design, product development & consulting

Product Designer &
Conceptual Thinker

RD Consulting helps you to bring your ideas to the next level.

RD Consulting Ron van Dijk

About RD Consulting

"No-nonsense design and a first time right approach"

Drawing on over 40 years of experience Ron van Dijk works closely with his clients focusing on project goals from vision to completion. This achieves great results in shorter time-frame, at lower costs. Ron’s no-nonsense ‘first-time-right’ mentality is why clients trust him to help them complete their projects and solve their design challenges.

Prototyping small series product development ultimaker 3d printing rd consulting ron van dijk


A selection of projects I've worked on
RD Consulting Product design and engineering Go mixfit
Design and engineering for Mixfit, Intelligent personal nutrition
RD Consulting Mastervolt Shore Power inlet - Walstroom
Mastervolt Electricity Inlet
RD Consulting Ron van Dijk Product development
Redesign Porsche 365 Tail Lights

Trusted by global brands and ambitious innovators

unilever logo client rd consulting ron van dijk
client logo heineken rd consulting ron van dijk
client logo axa bike security rd consulting ron van dijk
philips logo client rd consulting
client logo abb rd consulting ron van dijk
client rd consulting mixfit
brightec client of rd consulting ron van dijk
client logo alligator plastics rd consulting ron van dijk
logo rizz design client ron van dijk rd consulting
basko healthcare client of rd consulting ron van dijk

Trusted by global brands and ambitious innovators

Let's discuss how we can collaborate on
your next project
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